Margalla Avenue and M-1 Merge ECSP Finalized by CDA

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The Margalla Avenue project’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) has been completed, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) recently stated. Margalla Avenue and the M-1 motorway will be joined as part of the project. Creating a direct connection between the federal capital and the motorway. The project, which is a portion of the CPEC’s (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) western route. Will improve the federal capital’s connectivity and accessibility to the rest of the nation. On the region’s social, economic, and environmental facets, the project is anticipated to have a big impact.

Margalla Avenue project overview

Beginning at the Islamabad Motorway and ascending to the Murree Motorway, Margalla Avenue is a 28 km long signal-free motorway. By creating a direct connection between Islamabad and Murree. The project hopes to shorten the distance and travel time between the two cities. The first section of the project, from the Islamabad Motorway to D-12. Was already finished when it was first started in 2005. With a target completion date of 2023, work is under underway on the second phase of the project from D-12 to the Murree Motorway.

Margalla Avenue project and the western route of CPEC

The CPEC’s western route, a 2,700 km long network of roads and railroads from the Gwadar Port to China’s western region, includes the Margalla Avenue project. Pakistan’s economic growth is anticipated to be greatly aided by the western route, which will connect it directly to the western part of China and other Central Asian nations. The Margalla Avenue project will improve the federal capital’s link to the western route, facilitating trade and business operations.

Margalla Avenue and M-1 Motorway merge

Margalla Avenue Project’s ECSP (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment), which includes merging Margalla Avenue with M-1 Motorway, has been completed by the CDA. The merger will improve the region’s connectivity by creating a direct connection between the federal capital and the highway. The project is anticipated to ease traffic on the Islamabad Motorway and offer a superior transportation option to the current routes. Additionally, the project will speed up and reduce the cost of transportation while facilitating the movement of products and services.

Impact on social and economic aspects

The Margalla Avenue project is anticipated to have a big impact on the area’s social and economic features. For the local community, the project will result in both direct and indirect work opportunities. The initiative will also draw investments to the area, fostering its economic development and expansion. By improving access to healthcare, education, and other crucial services, the project will help improve the area’s social fabric.

Environmental impact evaluation

An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), which assesses the project’s effects on the environment and society. Is part of the ECSP for the Margalla Avenue project. The project’s effects on the local flora and fauna, air quality. Noise pollution, and waste management are all thoroughly examined in the ESIA. A social impact evaluation of the project’s effects on the nearby community and their means of subsistence is also included in the ESIA.


The union of the Margalla Avenue project with the M-1 Motorway is an important development for the area. Because it improves the federal capital’s connectivity and accessibility to the rest of the nation. The project is anticipated to significantly affect the region’s economic, social. And environmental aspects through generating employment opportunities, luring investments, and improving accessibility to vital services.

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